Sunday, November 30, 2008

Time 4 Learning part 2

The second installment of this series on Time 4 Learning, has taken a bit longer than I would have hoped to put up. We have been battling illness in our house. So I apologize for the delay.

 As promised I have logged on one of my special needs kids to Time 4 Learning. This particular child is my most severe special needs learner. In some ways over the years, I have given up hope on how far he will actually be able to go.

  When you start with Time 4 Learning, you  set up the profile for each child, specific to their level. Even if their Math and Language Arts are not on the same grade level. This is a big benefit in my eyes! As none of my children fit into the predetermined cookie cutters.

   So, we got him started, and he has loved it. He has actually been doing very well with it. As of right now, we have spent all of his time in the Language Arts section, this has been an area of weakness.

  He has been able to complete the activities given to him, and he even was able to read a book, on his own. One of the neat features it had was, if there was a word he did not know, he was able to click on it, and the computer would read it aloud for him.

   He has enjoyed his time on Time 4 Learning, so much that he asks me to do his computer work all day long! This is not typical for him!

  Thank you Time 4 Learning, for opeing my eyes to this kind of learning. As I continue to work with my children, throughout the month of December, I will share again.

  I will include pricing and other information in future entries. In the meantime, please vist for more information!

And Then Mama Said......It takes Time To Learn How To Read, by Gena Suarez

    Enchanting! That is how I would describe this sweet story written by Gena Suarez of The Old Schoolhouse magazine. I have just finished reading this charming story, And Then Mama Said...It Takes Time to Learn How to Read with my non reader. I won't give her age, but this is indeed something she has been working hard at accomplishing.

   We both enjoyed the story. She enjoyed the pictures and the story. I enjoyed the fact that it was a sweet homeschool family, recognizing that God has gifted each us differently.

  You see, my daughter that I read the story to, is my youngest. My eldest has learning disabilites. And this story touched my heart on so many levels. This will be a story that I will read to him as well.

This story is going to be a family classic for sure. At the bargain price of $9.95, you just can't go wrong. Then add to that you will also have access to an activity book to go with it. In the activity book, you will find coloring pages, mazes, science sheets and much more!

Also, if you would like Gena Suarez to sign the book, you can note that in the comment section of your order, and she will. How great is that!

Run on over to the Schoolhouse Store and check out this family treat!

Happy Reading!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Salem Ridge Press

    As part of the TOS Homeschool Crew we had the privilege of reviewing 3 books from Salem Ridge Press. Prior to this, I had not heard of this company. So I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of these books.

   In the years past, I have gone to Gutenburg to access old books for my children to read, or for us to read aloud as a family. The reason for this, is I have much more confidence of finding books that will fit our moral standards,by looking at old literature.  The down side of this is that the end result is a stack of pages printed off the computer, in a notebook, and not a nice book to add to my book shelf and hold in my hands. I love the feel of the real thing.

  What Salem Ridge Press has done for you is search out the very best children's book of the 1800's and the early 1900's. Their goal is to "republish books that are wholesome, exciting, and well written."  After going through the books, we were given, which were:


Glaucia the Greek Slave, by Emma Leslie

Mary Jane Her Book, by Clara Ingram Judson

The White Seneca, by William W. Canfield

And browsing their website , I have found they have been successful at just that.  A bonus, is that on their website they have sample chapters of each of their titles. This allows you to get a peek inside the book, to see if it would be a good fit for you and your family.

 I would like to tell you a little bit about this company and it's founder. Because, after learning about this company, I have confidence in what they put forth.

Let me introduce you to Daniel Mills, founder of Salem Ridge Press. Daniel is a homeschool graduate who loves the Lord and desires to serve Him and other people, especially other homeschooling families, through his business.  When Daniel graduated from high school in 2003, he pursued training in Disaster Reliefe and Search and Rescue.  However, in November of 2005 he started Salem Ridge Press. When Daniel was a teen, he read old books. Two in particular, At Seneca Castle, by William Canfield and Our Fellows, by Harry Castlemon, planted the seed of desire to see them republished.

The philosophy of SRP is found in the bible "Whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, thinkon these things." Philippians 4:8. This is a verse we study often in our home. Daniel understands the influence good literature ( or bad for that matter) has on a soul. Not every title is explicity Christian, however each book has strong moral values, and encourages positve character.

The other thing, that brought me peace of mind as I was learning about this company, was the commitmentthey show in the title selections. Daniel jokes, that his number one rule is "No Kissing".  He also states, that while most titles have no problem meeting their criteria, in a few instances, the have edited out passages to maintain the purity of their readers, As well as certain comments that may be derogatory that they deemed unneccessary and offensive.

That is encouraging to know there is company out there that has the best interests of my children at heart.

I would like to thank Daniel and his parents Chuck and Cathy Mills. Thank you Mr. and Mrs Mills, for raising a fine young man who desires to live forthe Lord, and Daniel thank you for bringing glory and honor to the Lord, in the work that you do!

Please take a moment to vist Salem Ridge Press. You will glad that you did.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, they havea contest going right now. Make a wish list on their website, and you could win 5 free titles of your choice! If I were you, I would rush right over and make that wish list!!!

Happy Reading!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Feasting Families

  Right now we are running around trying to get everything done for the family that is coming over on Thursday. It is easy to get swept up and forget the reason for being thankful.  Jesus Christ. Not only do we have the gift of Salvation, by grace, through Jesus Christ. But, He sees fit to bless us throughout our lives. We are not worthy!         

    Our Homeschool Group Family gathered on Saturday for our Annual Family Feast. This tradition has been a long held family favorite, among the group. The Lord granted us, perfect weather. In our area, we typically have a lot of wind, however, Saturday, there was just a very gentle breeze. The trees were half filled with leaves of a variety of colors. Our host, has a wonderful piece of land, that God has graced them with.  The front yard was filled with many tables arranged throughout the yard.

   The food and fellowship was quite simply wonderful.  My husband and I sat and spoke with a couple, the mom, I had only met once before, briefly at a "Mom's Night Out" . They have homeschooled their kids for 17 years. 3 have finished school, and 3 more still schooling at home. It was so nice for my husband, and myself for that matter, to share our experiences  with this family. My husband was able to walk away from that encounter feeling like, "Hey, we are not alone. Others do it like we do too!!"

    That was good for him. As the bread winner in our family ,he is not often able to just visit with other homeschoolers. So this was a really nice event for him.

  I walked away from our feast full of great food! That each family brought to share! And with the feeling of gratitude, to be able to gather with like minded Christian Homeschoolers, who put Christ first. And who put raising their children for Christ and serving Him and bringing Him glory in all we do a high priority. I  love homeschoolers! They are awesome people!!!  Thank you Lord for blessing us with so very much.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends!


Monday, November 17, 2008

The Missing Link: Found by Christina and Felice Gerwitz

     Wow, how exciting!!!  As part of The Homeschool Crew, we were given a copy of The Missing Link: Found, By Christina and Felice Gerwitz.  This is a mother/daughter team from Media Angels.  Christina was a 12 year old homeschool student when she sat down to write this exciting adventure story, with some assistance from her mother.

     We started reading this book as a read aloud for our whole family. I wanted to hear the story, as well as have them hear it as well. However, getting reading time in with all them was difficult.  So we began to read on our own.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book!! And I am so glad that my chidlren were reading it on their own as well.

  My teenaged son, who *hates* reading has been loving this story. He could not get enough of it. The story is full of suspense, action, adventure, and with the 2 main characters being Christian Homeschooled kids, it was easy for  my kids to relate to.

  There are several things that I loved about this story. 1st, it is set around a Christian Homeschool family. What really touched my heart, throughout the story, was everytime there was a crisis or a struggle, this family, always turned to the Lord in prayer. Exactly what we would want our children to remember. This story did a great job at modeling that. Futhermore, they prayed around people who were  not believers, showing a very strong faith.

  Next, there was some awesome dialogue on Creation vs. Evolution. There were many many facts included. Both sides were presented fairly. They also include in the back of the book a glossary of terms. Which was very helpful for some of my readers!  And on the last page, were Creation Science Resources.   It was an aawesome way to reinforce learning, while reading something so entertaining!

  And the last thing would be that there are 2 more books in the series! Yahoo!  That means my kids will be able to continue to follow the adventures of the Murphy family!

 I don't want to give away any of the story! But I will include one little blurb that Media Angels included on the back of the book:

"In the Truth Seekers Mystery Series, you'll experience adventure, mystery, heart stopping suspense, and faith played out first-hand by the Murphy family.  This action adventure mystery will keep you guessing to the very end!"

Please visit Media Angels and check out all of their awesome resources for parents and kids alike!

You can see what other Crew Members have said by clicking here!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Schoolhouse Store Spotlight Blog

Last week,  the fine folks of The Old Schoolhouse magazine, launched a new blog all about the Schoolhouse Store and would love to have you stop by for a visit!!!

 The blog address is:

They have already held a drawing and gave away 10 of the Homeschool Planners to some of their earliest subscribers to the blog. In addition, they are giving away a $100 store gift certificate once they reach 1,000 subscribbers! They are already over half way there!

The Store Spotlight blog is offering midweek markdowns (a new item 1/2 off every week), interviews with the companies whose products they carry, and random FREE products! You won't want to miss a day! Thanks for visiting their blog and I hope you enjoy it!

Have a Happy Homeschooling Day!!!!!

Time 4 Learning

     For the The Homeschool Crew, we have been able to begin to review Time 4 Learning.  What I am going to be doing is a "mini-series" of reivews on our experience with Time 4 Learning.



Homeschool Curriculum, After School Learning,
 Summer Use
For PreSchool, Elementary, & Middle School Students
"It's Time 4 Learning. And Fun!"


     I have yet to have had all of my children use the program. I primarily have had my 8th grader use the program, as well as, spend time on the site myself. We have thoroughly enjoyed using this website.


    For the parents, Time 4 Learning, has a multitude of resources for you to familiarize yourself with what they have to offer. Including a "getting started" tutorial and a "helpful hints" section tat really helps you to learn how to navigate through the site. In addition to that, they have a parents forum, that is interactive. You can read old posts that will be helpful, as well as, post new questions that you may have.  And for the technology challenged there is a place for you too!!  A page for technical difficulties. ( I have not had an technical issues!!!)  The people at Time 4 Learning also have their contact information, so they can help you, if the information on the site was not enough to solve your question or issue.

  Now, my son, has spent several days on Time 4 Learning. For us, so far it has been very useful. We are a large family, well,  we are homeschooling 5 children,  and in that mix we have a few special needs learners. What Time 4 Learning has done for our family in this short amount of time, has allowed my 13 yr old to hop on, and do school work, at his own pace, not waiting for me. And I am able to then turn around and spend time with my special needs learners. 

  At this stage of the review, our family is loving Time 4 Learning. What we will be looking at next week, would be the completness of the program, what would I need to add to it to make it a complete program, if anything. As well as allowing my other children to spend time on the site. Including my special needs children to see how well they can work with the site.

  Keep your eyes on this page for future posts....

And check out for more information!

Have a Happy Homeschooling Day!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Amusing Mathematics

   If  you are anything like me, you do not think Mathematics is Amuzing. Math has never been a favorite subject of mine.  Well, the fine people of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine have put together a very handy resource!

  Recently I told you about the Schoolhouse Planner, which in of itself is a wonderful resource. However, in addition the to initial planner, they have come out with monthly modules.  Each and every one are jam packed with useful ideas and tools. And this month is no different...  November Module Amusing Mathematics.

   I have mentioned in previous posts that I am a bit of an internet junky! Considering, money is often tight around our house, I am always looking for free or close to it resources. What I love about this module, is it has already done the research for me! I like that!

   There are great links to fun activites for the kids. You can color and cut our your own math manipulatives, such as, tangrams, pattern blocks, etc...

   And what kid doesn't like to impress their parents or friends with tricks or new skills they have. Well, listed in the November Module, they have Math Magic, and Math Jokes and Riddles. Now if that isn't making math "amusing" ... impressive!!! 

   You will also find,  coloring sheets, recipes, and word searches.  Soduku, math minute pages for addition and multiplication and a clock for learning how to tell time.  

    Just about anyone in your family will find something of interest ans fun in this handy module. Click here to order this great resource for a tiny price tag of $7.95!

Have a  Happy Homeschooling Day!!!!!




There is a contest happening RIGHT NOW over at the Company Front Porch!!

Click here to enter!

Here is a bit of what they had to say about it over on the Front Porch:

Readers of the popular Terrestria Chronicles allegory series will be thrilled to learn that Ed Dunlop has just released The Quest for Thunder Mountain, the first book in his new Tales from Terrestria series. The Quest tells the story of a young minstrel whose life is shattered when his career comes to an abrupt end. The book was written to help young adult readers experience the wonder of finding and doing the will of the King. You can see the TOS review of the Terrestria Chronicles at: .

The Quest for Thunder Mountain cover


There will be 15 winners for this contest. Each of the winners will receive a copy of The Quest for Thunder Mountain.

You need to vist the Company Front Porch to Enter!!! Hurry November 9th is the deadline!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Homeschooling ABC's by, Knowledge Quest

     As the leader of our local homeschool group, I have spent many hours speaking with new homeschoolers, who are filled with questions!  Questions like:  Can I really homeschool? How can I do it all?  How do I pull them out of the school? What do I use to teach them? Will they have friends? I could go on and on!!

   As part of "The Homeschool Crew" we were fortunate enough to have been ableto preview Homeschooling ABC's by, Knowledge Quest. What is it? It is a 26 week class put on by the wonderful people of Knowledge Quest! You will receive one lesson per week for 26 weeks. The lessons, are in small enough chunks not to overwhelm a new homeschooler. Yet meaty enough, to be of real value! At a cost of $10 a month, it is well worth the price!

    I have been homeschooling for 9 years, so I would fall into the veteran category.  So this is not something I would purchase on my own. Let me tell you, I have LOVED it!

  I love this product on many levels. As a homeschool group leader, this will be a wonderful resource for our new families. This class will answer so many of the questions I usually answer on the phone, or at the park. Now they will have a resource, that not only answers those initial  questions, but so many more.  Here are the titles of the first 8 lessons:

1) A Quick Start

2) Let's Begin with the Basics

3) Copy the Classroom-NOT

4) Dare to Differentiate

5) Establish YOUR Philosophy of Education

6) Finding the Best Curriculum for Your Family

7) Get Together- Networking with Other Homeschoolers

8) Hands-On Learning for Greater Retention

As you see, in the first 8 lessons, Terri Johnson of Knowledge Quest covers a great deal of material!!!

But, what is amazing, I have been riveted to the lessons. I have been feeling inspired and reminded of all the wonderful reasons why I homeschool! Yes, even veteran homeschoolers need that encouragement. 

I look forward to taking the rest of this class! It is an awesome resource! Thank you Terri, for creating a product that was lacking in the homeschool community! This product reallydoes meet a need that at this point, had not been met!

Have a Happy Homeschooling Day!!


Tales of Glory Nativity Set, by One2Believe

As part of The Homeschool Crew, we were fortunate enough to receive the "Tales of Glory Nativity Set" from the kind people of One2Believe.

Now, I have to tell you, that this is not a product that I would have purchased on my own. My children are older, 9 and up.  However, my 9 year old, was thrilled when this package arrived. She has played non-stop with this wonderful playset!  You see, we have 2 other Nativity Sets we bring out during the Christmas season, and her eyes, have always dreamed of having those little figures in her little hands. However, they are all breakable, so she cannot play with them.

That is where this wonderful playset comes in! She has been playing to her hearts desire!  She has been using her bible felt set, with this play set and quite literally plays for hours!

If you have small children I would highly recommend this product. It comes with a mini book with the story of our Lord's birth. The other neat thing that was included was a paper with "Spiritual Stepping Stones". It talks to parents about general spiritual development of kids. At what age they are ready for what level of faith or belief. This would be very helpful, especially for new Christians or young parents!

This is a wonderful tool to integrate Jesus Christ into a childs every day life!

Let me be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas!!! And Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

Prayer and Thanksgiving

     I love this time of year.  The air seems to be full of thankfulness.  Isn't that really how we should approach  everything i nour life?  Whether it be a trial or a blessing, we as Christians should be thankful.  Why? In Philippians 4:11 it says, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."  Over the years this verse has minsitered to my heart.  Independent of external circumstances, we can be content, because Christ lives in us.  In Romans 8:28 it says, " And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according in his purpose."  God is so good!  Resting in this promise is one way that we are able to be content!  Thank you Lord for being a faithful God!

  I am so thankful that we serve a loving God.  A God who want His children to come to Him with their needs, and not to worry about them,  and try to solve them in their own power,  "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.", Philippians 4:6.  And in Psalm 55:22a it says, "Cast they burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee."

   When reading these verses, the bible is clear, we should be thankful, and content in all that we do.  And we should go to Him with our needs.  And He will be faithful to His children.  We Christians have so very much to be thankful for. Let us share our joy and thankfulness with the world around us this month! A month when the people around us have a more tender heart!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Do you have Bibliophilia?

   Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I have Bibliophilia!!!  I think as homeschoolers, many of us probably fall into that category!  I can't help it! I just LOVE books!!!! 

  That is one reason, why I love this website Homeschool Library Builder.


This site is run by homeschool moms!! Who better to address the needs of homeschoolers?  This website is a wonderful resource for literature based education! They have both new and used books, at awesome pricing!!

To top that, they are having an awesome sale right now! A Great Big Bin Sale!!  They have *bins* for you to "rummage" through. The bins are marked at $1, $2, $3 and $5.  Also, they offer free membership. Everytime you purchase a book, you earn points! Refer a friend, and you earn points!!!  WIth those points, you can buy books! How awesome is that??

Now, typically that is all I need to fall in love with a website.. books and sales!!! However, this site has so much more to offer!

They have a marketplace section, where homeschoolers who have a "homegrown" business, can advertise their product for *Free*. That is an awesome resource for small businesses. Free advertising!

They also offer fundraising. Offering a great return for groups that need to raise funds!  On that same note they have a section called,"Operation Hurricane". The proceeds here will be used to benefit victims of the recent hurricanes, via, Samaritans Purse.

One other section that is really neat, is because, since these are homeschool mom's, they have a section, with educational links for the season. Right now, you will find awesome Thanksgiving links to share with your children.

Bookmark this site, you will find that you are a frequent visitor!

Happy Reading!!!!