Publishers on the lookout for affordable advertising often turn to Bloggers to review their products!
These publishers will send out free product to the blogger in exchange for an honest review posted on the reviewers blog. No requirement of a glowing review, only an honest review. You, as a reviewer, will need to note somewhere in your review, that you received the product for free, in exchange for your review, and your all set!
Where do you find these publishers? Here are a few to get you started.
Thomas Nelson has a program they call BookSneeze!
Bethany House is a another Christian publisher offering a blogger review program.
O'Reilly Media also has a blogger review program. These books appear to be technology based.
NavPress also has a Blogger Review program. This is another Christian Publisher.
Carmex Blogger Review Program
Moody Publishers Blogger Review Program.
New Leaf Pulishing Blogger Review Program
Tropical Traditions Blogger Review Program
My Blog Spark Blogger Review Program
In addition to these you can contact vendors of your choice, and simply ask! I have the most experience with Homeschool Publishers. Many Homeschool Publishers would be willing to exchange a sample or an e-product in exchange for your review. Simply email them and let them know you are interested.
This is a great post. Thanks so much for sharing these links.