Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Life on Fast Forward

My blog has become very quiet, as my life, as become more busy! I have meant to sit down and blog for sometime now, but simply have not had the time. I know, it's summer, right? You would think it would be slowing down, but it hasn't quite yet for us!

Our family has been running double time  since about mid May!  You see, two of our sons graduated from High School this year. Our first set of High School Graduates!  And in Mid May our church held it's Annual Spring Banquet. This is what our church does every year for the high school students in our youth group as an alternative to prom. They all head down to the Disneyland Hotel, and have dinner, make memories and honor the graduating class. This year we had two... and two other high schoolers.. the whole family headed down to mark this occasion and I am so glad that we did!

Then just a few short weeks after that was one of the Great Homeschool Conventions here in Southern California. I had the privilege of working the booth and speaking on behalf of Growing Healthy Homes.  I just love homeschool conventions! Well I should actually say, I just love homeschoolers, so I love homeschool conventions. Thousands of families who have the same mind set on education! Oh, I could spend every day chatting with families!  It was also great fun meeting up with friends that I have made online, as well as, vendors that I have had the privilege of reviewing their products. And it was equally exciting to see members of our local homeschool group at the convention! (I am looking forward to another convention in a few weeks from now!)

Just one week after the homeschool convention we had our Homeschool Graduation! We celebrated the graduation of both the 8th graduates and 12th grade graduates. It was such a lovely time.  I am always challenged and encouraged by the words and scriptures that parents share with their children to either stay faithful during their final years of school, or, as it is in my case, as we launch them off into the world.

Things are beginning to slow down around our home.. well a little bit.  One of our high school graduates is currently working to help pay for his college bill next year.  Three of our children are off at Teen Camp with church this week.  And in a few short weeks, following the next homeschool convention, one of my sons is heading off to the Philippines on a church misions trip.

As we work each and everyday, I find comfort in this verse..
Luke 19:13, "...Occupy till is come."

We are busy occupying until He returns. And as we do, we give God all the glory! I am so thankful for the grace of God, that has allowed me to to teach my children for the last 12 years! We have 5 more years to go! I am thankful for God's enabling!  I know that if it weren't for God, our family would not be where we are today! He is faithful!

Praying for you and your family, praying for God's grace and God's enabling as you strive to live for Him, and to raise your family to bring glory to God!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Genesis Code

Recently I had the opportunity to review a movie called 'The Genesis Code".
As a conservative Christian who believes in a young earth. I am a Creation apologist, and as such, I was excited to see that a movie was going to use science to prove the Genesis story, which I have already seen demonstrated in the past.

However, as I watched the movie, that is not what I found. This movie tried to use physics and the theory of time dilation to prove that both the view of young earth and an old earth can coexist based on your perspective... ie.. God's perspective or ours.

And that in the end, both were correct. While I am not a scientist, and I cannot go into all the reasons why I disagree with this, the one thing I know for sure, is that I disagree with what this movie is promoting, and therefore, I simply cannot endorse this film.

If you would like to read a more educated view and opinion of this movie, I looked up to see if the fine folks of Answers in Genesis had anything to say on the film, and fortunately they did. You can check out their thoughts here.

Cowgirls N' Angels

If you are looking for a film for the entire family, then look no further. Cowgirls N' Angels is a film that your entire family will enjoy, whether you have boys or girls, this will be a film that will keep their interest! And even mom and dad will enjoy this family friendly film! 

There are even some faces you will recognize in this film, such as, James Cromwell, Bailee Madison, Alicia Witt and Jackson Rathbone!  

Here is how the producers describe the movie....

Cowgirl's N' Angels is a heartwarming movie that tells the story of Ida, a feisty and rebellious young girls, who has dreams of finding her father, a rodeo rider.  While searching for her dad, she connects with the Sweethearts of the Rodeo, a team of  young female rodeo riders run by former rodeo star Terence Parker.  Recognizing Ida's innate talent for trick riding, Terence recruits for her their ranks.  Accepted wholeheartedly by her new 'family', Ida finds a new passion that redefines her life, and may also help her find the father she's been searching for. 

What is the Creative Learners take?

This film has got a great story line, full of adventure, mystery and a rip roarin' good time! And all this with a great message.. and nothing that you have to shield your children's eyes from!  My 12 year old daughter thought it was wonderful!  She loved watching the horses, and the girls as they do tricks on the horses! She thought the movies was "Exciting!" and Fun!"

You will find yourself, laughing and cheering, and it you don't watch yourself. even crying.. just a wee bit! 

Check out Cowgirls N' Angels on Facebook  and you can catch the trailer below! 
Cowgirls N' Angels is in theaters now!