We have had some extra fun activities, such as a trip to Disneyland and basketball tryouts, however, other than that, it has just been our normal busy lives!
All this to say, when our family is very busy, I tend to cook less and less! I mean really, who has the time, or the energy? However, your body does not feel well after several meals of eating on the go. So, you pay for that 'so called' convenience food! Perhaps with lethargy, or at it's worst, with indigestion! So what is a family to do?
Well, it's quite simple really! Plan ahead, and cook at home! Not only will you provide a more nutritious meal, you will also save money! However, there is another added bonus! There is something so gratifying, when you have prepared something for your family with your own hands, versus using fast food.. or simply only using canned, boxed or frozen foods! ( ie. processed foods!)
This weekend was fun! I made home made pizza for the kids. I know not the healthiest of food choices, however, I know what is going into my pizza's, versus what is going into the pizza from the pizza parlor, or the grocers freezer! And really it was not hard to make at all. I simply made the dough in the bread machine, rolled it out in to 3 pizza's and topped it with their favorite toppings! The kids LOVE IT! ( Sorry, I forgot to take photos!) I spent much less money than I would have if I bought 3 pizzas! Now I say the kids loved it, because, I do not eat pizza! I love pizza, however, my digestive system does not agree.. ;-)
So I took the opportunity to test out a recipe from Shelley at One Roast Vegetable. I have been taking her FREE class called Fresh from the Freezer and I have learned so much! ( You too can sign up for this class today! For every 250 subscribers she has, she will create another video! We are at video #20) Anyhow, she sent out a message, I believe to all her subscribers offering an opportunity to test one of her recipes. So, I took her up on it! I made a recipe called 'White on White Quiche'. And let me tell you, it was delicious!
Now here is the great thing, I had never eaten a quiche, let alone made one! I have made and enjoyed a fritatta, but never a quiche, so this was a first. And also, this recipe called for parsnips... do you know what parsnips are? I had heard of them, but I had never laid eyes on one, let alone consumed one! Did you know they look like white carrots?
Anyhow, here are a couple of photos of my finished product!
While I was cooking on Saturday, it has inspired me to get back into the habit of cooking every single day! Really, this comes down to planning. If I can plan ahead, I can work cooking into my day! Really.. it comes down to living out what I teach my children to do, which is, living on purpose! We should live out every aspect of our lives, on purpose! Not allowing, in this case, our schedules to dictate our lives, rather choose how we are going to live, and to do so, on purpose!
If you feel so inclined, leave me a comment, telling me your families favorite comfort food! Feel free to share recipes, too!!
Be well, be blessed, and live on purpose!!!! And make some comfort food for your family!
The Crockpot saves us from eating out! I actually have 4 in different sizes. I can cook the main dish in one and the side dish in a smaller crock at the same time. During the holidays we often have all 4 plugged in at once filled with tortillas, meat, refried beans, and cider!