Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nearly Freebie Friday!

I cannot tell you how many times that I hear from people who are contemplating homeschooling, or even newer homeschoolers who are now struggling with the decision of needing to put their children back in school or to continue homeschooling.. that homeschooling is just too expensive, and that they would never be able to afford it.

Now, I am not talking about a family where, mom was working and not quit her job and they are trying to figure out how to do it. That will take some adjusting, but still can be done. However, I am talking about people who are already home, and are just speaking about the cost of curriculum.  I am here to tell you, I have never had an abundance of income to spend on curriculum. Which means, I am always looking for the best value for my educational dollar!

Anyone can afford to homeschool. As you have already seen in the last couple of weeks, there are an abundance of free resources. Today we are going to look at a nearly free resource!

And that is....  The Old Schoolhouse Magazine's Homeschool Dollar Store! Have you visited them today? or ever? It is simply amazing what you can walk away with. As of this posting, there are 252 items in the $1 store. Which means you have lots to choose from.

Now I would like to stress, that these are not priced at $1 because they are inferior products. They are high quality products that have been  available in the regular Schoolhouse Store at regular pricing. The fine people at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine just so happen to put them on special periodically to help homeschoolers!

For instance, 2 of the products I purchased, are no longer available at $1, they are now back at regular price. So these prices are for a limited time. If you see a title you like.. get it!

I recently spent $9 and here is what I received..

Wanna Be a Missionary - $1  You can see a sample of this E-book here.  Including the table of contents. If you have not checked out the Wannabe series, you will be pleasantly surprised.  While it does say that these unit studies are geared for ages 4-10, let me tell you the whole family really can benefit from these, even teenagers. I was expecting a very juvenile look at the professions they cover, and that is not the case. These books are very in depth!

The Curiosity Files™- MRSA - $1  You can see a sample of this ebook here.  This series is another amazing one!  They say that this unit study is good for ages 8 -13.. but again, I think older kids would enjoy this, especially, because the topics are usually out of the ordinary.  By youngest daughter had the lights go on as far as  reading go while reading a Curiosity Files Unit Study.  She has known how to read for sometime. However, she hates it. She fusses and fidgets through reading. however, while reading one of the Curiosity Files, she began reading unusual words, and that was fun! And now she is enjoying reading far more!  You just never know what will turn that spark on. She also has not decided she LOVES science!

In the Belly of a Whale - Jonah's Lesson in Obedience - $1 If you have a child in early elementary school, this is an awesome Unit Study! Tons of hands on activities! You are not going to want to miss out on this one!

Learning on the Go - $1  This book is great if you find yourself in the car for any amount of time and you need to entertain your children. I would say elementary to early middle school activities. My high schoolers play some of these games too, but they probably would never admit to it!

Homonyms- A Unit Study for Spellers - $1 You can see a sample of this e-book here.   This book is primarily a resource of Homonyms, however at the back of the book there are some neat activities the help them come alive, and concrete what your children have learned.

Say What? Workshop - $1  You can view a sample here.  Tamara Chilver coaches parents on how to implement communication strategies that nurture learning. Tamara has received extensive training on communication tools for children and shares these effective techniqueswith parents in a practical format. This mini workshop is sure to helpstrengthen the family bond while making learning easier.

Language Land - $1  his challenging game of grammar skills teaches the meaning of nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, and prepositions.  This often-avoided subject takes on a whole new life when presented in a fun and exciting game as players race to the finish.  Your children are sure to grasp a better understanding of the difference between the parts of speech when engaged in this exciting, educational E-game. Grades 3-7.  Fun game!!!!

WannaBe™-When I Grow Up I Want to Be an Artist - You can see a sample here.  $1 ( currently $8.95)  This is from the same series as the Missionary book at the top of the list. However, this one is no longer available for $1, now it is available for the regular price. Still a great value, but I am thankful I only paid $1

2011 Journal Writing Prompts Vertical Calendars - $1 ( currently $8.95)  You can see a sample here. Looking for creative writing ideas? Want to include journal writing into your daily routine? Struggling with a bit of writer’s block? In this ebook you will find thought-provoking ideas, inspiration, and just plain fun writing prompts.  This is the other item that is back at it's regular price, and it really is a gem....


Please take some time to see what is available. I am sure there are some gems that will help you stretch your educational dollars!

Be well and God Bless!


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