All Aboard!!!! We are about to set sail for our 4th Voyage of
The TOS Homeschool Crew!
I believe that our first item on our voyage was chosen by God. Well, if you take the time to think about it, we remember that our every step is ordered by our loving and wonderful Father God. However, often times we get so busy and wrapped up in our lives, that He ordered, that we do not take the time to notice Him, or thank Him, or even to see Him in our daily life.
We were sent How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids, by Rachael Carman. After reading the title and the description, I was thrilled that I
In How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for your Kids, Rachael Carman takes us through the acrostic
H- Have a Heart for the Things of God
E - Enrich Your Marriage
A - Accept Your Kids
R - Release Them to God
T - Teach Them the Truth
While, you may read some of those and feel, of course, I know that...however, while reading this book, and you will peel back layers of yourself and what is revealed is those little places where God wants to talk to your heart. You will be convicted and encouraged as you work through this book. Rachael is your cheerleader, not your condemner! At the end of each chapter, she has included a section titled "Heart CheckUp" This little section will help you to delve deeper and examine your heart, and make sure that you are on the right path.
I am going to be honest with you, our family has been struggling here lately. The children and I have been butting heads. And God knew exactly what I needed to help set my path straight... It was this book! I would have told you that I had a heart for my kids, before I read this little book, and yes, while I do believe that to be true, our relationship is growing stronger and better everyday. And that is in no small part due to my change of 'heart'.
Here is just one of the nuggets that really had me reexamine my own heart. Rachael was reminding us of Jochebed and her prayer for deliverance for her people, the Hebrews. Do you recall how God decided to answer that prayer? Jochebed gave birth to their very delivered! And here is the the quote that really touched me.. "Could it be that you or I have given birth to an answer to prayer? "
Here is my thought, are we looking at, and interacting with our children, like they are an answer to prayer, and created for a purpose? Or are we simply co-existing with them, or trying to change them, or ...... only tolerating them?
Thank you Rachael for your encouraging words! Thank you for helping me to rekindle my H.E.A.R.T. for my children!
How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids, is available from Apologia Ministries for $13. Please visit the Apologia website to see a full listing of all of their products! You will find not only the Science textbooks we have all come to know and love, you will also find homeschool support materials, and books like these, that speak to the heart! Check them out today!
Would you like to see what others are saying about How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids? Check out the crew blog to see what my crew mates have to say!!!!
Disclosure: I was given a free copy of How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids, in Exchange for my honest review. No other compensation was received. This review is in my own words, and does not reflect any guarantee or promise. It is an honest representation of the products use in our home.
We've been having "butt head" moments, here, too. I like how the book gives you a way to apply what you have read in each chapter through the "heart checkup". What a great book to kick-off the new Crew year.