As my body continues to recover and gain energy and strength, I am now looking to find a new normal. I am yearning to find a new way to look at my schedule, and how I spend my time. Really looking at my opportunities and trying to decide what I am able to do, and what I simply cannot.
I am learning that at this point my energy is precious. And it is not a never ending supply. Prior to now, I have to admit, I said yes to many things! All good things. All things I wanted to do. However, the result of that many times, is that I have far too much on my plate, and do not have nearly the time needed to get the rest needed to keep up with the schedule I was trying to keep.
Now, I am much choosier when it comes to my schedule. I really do not like missing out, but my body enjoys getting the rest it needs. It is helping that I feel like I really know my limits now. I am a bit amazed that prior to going to the hospital, my schedule never slowed down. The children did not miss a single event, and neither did I. But I paid the price for that! Do NOT follow in those footsteps!
So now, since I am working diligently, on controlling my schedule, it is allowing more time to be at home, and dealing with all that needs to be done there (here). While I still do not have my full energy back, each day I am getting a wee bit better, and doing a wee bit more.
For now, I am doing my best to limit myself to one outside activity a day... only have failed on that a couple of times. And I will admit, that my body paid for it.
I am also learning to rethink how things are done. The kids are helping me even more with cooking. They are pretty self sufficient for breakfast and lunch. But we have started doing lots of Crock pot meals. And I have been on the hunt for more recipes, that way the family does not tire of soups and stews.. I have found a few good resources for that.
I also have just purchased some new curriculum. Our curriculum this year, I had acquired for free, and we were making do, however, it really was not our favorite, and it was taking some work. However, I am praying these new books will help the kids become even more self sufficient.
This will help me to focus on the area of needs for the kids, rather than over spending my energy, where they really don't need my input.
I do not anticipate this being long term, as in having to deal with this over the next many years, however, I believe that it may take me a couple of months to get back to normal. So each of these little steps have begun to help me gain my strength.
I have a lot of respect for the mom's and dad's out there, who in spite of chronic illness, are faithful to their job of home educating their children!
God is faithful, through all circumstances. Galatians 6:9 says "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
I am thankful for the faithfulness of God! During this time, I am wholly relying on God to guide where and what I should be doing and for Him to fully sustain me. God is good! All of the time!
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