GrapeVine Studies have become my favorite bible study curriculum resource.
Recently our family had the opportunity to use The Resurrection bible study from GrapeVine Studies. And once again, we were not disappointed.
Before I get into this particular study, I would like to talk to you a little bit about the premise of GrapeVine Studies, and their bible studies. You can read about the first time I used GrapeVine Studies in my first review for them.
One of my favorite aspects of the GrapeVine Studies is that it makes studying the bible interactive. My family is a hands on kind of family, so this is a big deal for us. But even if your family does not need to be hands on, what I have come to learn is that everyone learns better, when we use different modalities to help concrete what we are learning.
GrapeVine Studies first takes a look at the big picture, giving your student a road map of where they will be going in the study before them. Then the big picture is broken up into the little details of the stories.You and your student will be able to spend time discussing, stick figuring, and for your older students they will be looking up terms in a bible dictionary or concordance. This is one of the aspects that I really love about these studies. You have the ability to teach all of your children, no matter their age at the same time. It is a wonderful study for the entire family. My high school students can do this study with added research and assignments, along with my middle school student. And I must tell you.. they all still enjoy to draw!
This study covers the events from the last supper to the ascension of Jesus Christ. The lessons include The Last Supper, The Six Trials of Jesus Christ, The Cruxifiction, Jesus' Death and Burial, The Resurrection and The Ascension. It is a wonderful resource for your family to use with Resurrection Sunday coming up. This wonderful resource would be such a helpful resource to help your family have a deeper understanding of the sacrifice our Savior made for us.
In addition to a wonderful homeschool curriculum, these studies would be a wonderful resource for a family devotion materials.
These bible studies are very affordable (prices start at $8.95), and high quality. The Resurrection bible study is available in Beginner, which is for ages 5-7 and Multi-Level 7 and up. I also would like to reiterate, that while the Multi-Level is for ages 7 and up, you really can use these studies for all ages. If you have a large family, this is a wonderful option for you, and allows you to teach all of your children at the same time. Also, if you have teenagers, that seem to not connect during bible studies, these bible studies will really help them to bring them into the study in a way that I have seen no other study have the ability to.
You can visit GrapeVine Studies for FREE Sample Lessons!
We love hands on learning, too. these sound like they would be something my boys would enjoy, and affordable, too! Thanks for the review.
I have always wanted to try this, thanks for the review. I have to check them out!
I love, love Grapevine Studies also. I strongly recommend them to friends. Just solid teaching, made fun!